DANCE: Discussion Affordances for Natural Collaborative Exchange

DiscourseDB Tutorial

DANCE Talk Series

DANCE Talk Series

Speakers: Oliver Ferschke, Carnegie Mellon University
Chris Bogart, Carnegie Mellon University
Date: August 25, 2016, 09.00am EDT (view in your time zone)
Session 1 Hangout on air
Video only (YouTube)
Session 2 Hangout on air
Video only (YouTube)


This tutorial introduces the core concept of DiscourseDB, gives an overview of the codebase and provides hands-on training for developers and users interested in implementing data converters for new data sources or analytics pipelines for DiscourseDB data. It furthermore introduces the new web-based data browser along with interfaces to text annotation and machine learning tools.

The tutorial will be split in two parts of 4 hours each with a 1 hour break in between. A more detailed agenda will follow soon.

Slots for live participation are still available If you would like to participate live in the online tutorial, please register by August 24 with an email to No registration is necessary for watching the live stream or the recording.

In order to participate in the hands-on session, please prepare your development environment by following these steps.

The DiscourseDB codebase is availalable on GitHub with module-level documentation in each project folder. Project-level and setup documentation is furthermore available in the DiscourseDB wiki.